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The result shows the nearest top 50.

What Colour Is Death?  Artist:Acid Bath
What Color Is Death  Artist:Acid Bath
Venus Blues  Artist:Acid Bath
Venus Blue  Artist:Acid Bath
Tranquilized  Artist:Acid Bath
Toubabo Koomi  Artist:Acid Bath
The Morticians' Flame  Artist:Acid Bath
The Mortician's Flame  Artist:Acid Bath
The Bones Of Baby Dolls  Artist:Acid Bath
The Blue  Artist:Acid Bath
The Beautiful Downgrade  Artist:Acid Bath
Scream Of The Butterfly  Artist:Acid Bath
Paegan Love Song  Artist:Acid Bath
Old Skin  Artist:Acid Bath
New Death Sensation  Artist:Acid Bath
New Corpse  Artist:Acid Bath
Locust Spawning  Artist:Acid Bath
Jezebel  Artist:Acid Bath
Graveflower  Artist:Acid Bath
God Machine  Artist:Acid Bath
Fingerpaintings Of The Insane  Artist:Acid Bath
Finger Paintings Of The Insane  Artist:Acid Bath
Dr. Suess Is Dead  Artist:Acid Bath
Dr. Seuss Is Dead  Artist:Acid Bath
Dope Fiend  Artist:Acid Bath
Diab Soule  Artist:Acid Bath
Dead Girl  Artist:Acid Bath
Cradled In The Arms Of Death  Artist:Acid Bath
Cheap Vodka  Artist:Acid Bath
Cassie Eats Cockroaches  Artist:Acid Bath
Blood of god  Artist:Acid Bath
Bleed Me An Ocean  Artist:Acid Bath
13 Fingers  Artist:Acid Bath

Although there might be unnecessarry words or letters in a song's title,
It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

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