Type the name of the song or an artist, and start searching it.
Search type   Top Songs By Year
The result shows the nearest top 50.

Mirrors  Artist:Anthem Lights
One Direction Medley  Artist:Anthem Lights
Follow Your Heart  Artist:Anthem Lights
Light For You  Artist:Anthem Lights
That's What I'm Looking For  Artist:Anthem Lights
Turn Around  Artist:Anthem Lights
Closer Than The Angels  Artist:Anthem Lights
You Have My Heart  Artist:Anthem Lights
Coming Home  Artist:Anthem Lights
Help You Stand  Artist:Anthem Lights
The Unknown  Artist:Anthem Lights
Dear Hollywood  Artist:Anthem Lights
Simple Little Christmas  Artist:Anthem Lights
Taylor Swift Mash-Up  Artist:Anthem Lights
What About Love  Artist:Anthem Lights
Fight Forever  Artist:Anthem Lights
Best Of 2012 Pop Mash-Up  Artist:Anthem Lights
Where The Light Is  Artist:Anthem Lights
Stranger  Artist:Anthem Lights
Outta My Mind  Artist:Anthem Lights
Lighthouse  Artist:Anthem Lights
Lifeline  Artist:Anthem Lights
I Wanna Know You Like That  Artist:Anthem Lights
Freedom Into Slavery  Artist:Anthem Lights
Circles  Artist:Anthem Lights
Can't Shut Up  Artist:Anthem Lights
Can't Get Over You  Artist:Anthem Lights
As Long As You Love Me  Artist:Anthem Lights

Although there might be unnecessarry words or letters in a song's title,
It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

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