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The result shows the nearest top 50.

. . . And Then It Passes  Artist:Cryptopsy
White Worms  Artist:Cryptopsy
We Bleed  Artist:Cryptopsy
Voice of Unreason  Artist:Cryptopsy
The Pestilence That Walketh In Darkness  Artist:Cryptopsy
The Frantic Pace Of Dying  Artist:Cryptopsy
The Curse Of The Great  Artist:Cryptopsy
Soar And Envision Sore Vision  Artist:Cryptopsy
Slit Your Guts  Artist:Cryptopsy
Serpent's Coil  Artist:Cryptopsy
Serial Messiah  Artist:Cryptopsy
Screams go Unheard  Artist:Cryptopsy
Phobophile  Artist:Cryptopsy
Orgiastic Disembowelment  Artist:Cryptopsy
Open Face Surgery  Artist:Cryptopsy
Mutant Christ  Artist:Cryptopsy
Memories of Blood  Artist:Cryptopsy
Loathe  Artist:Cryptopsy
Lichmistress  Artist:Cryptopsy
Keeping The Cadaver Dogs Busy  Artist:Cryptopsy
In The Kingdom Where Everything Dies, The Sky Is Mortal  Artist:Cryptopsy
Graves Of The Fathers  Artist:Cryptopsy
Gravaged (a Cryptopsy)  Artist:Cryptopsy
Flame To The Surface  Artist:Cryptopsy
Faceless Unknown  Artist:Cryptopsy
Endless Cemetary  Artist:Cryptopsy
Emaciate  Artist:Cryptopsy
Depths You've Fallen  Artist:Cryptopsy
Dead And Dripping  Artist:Cryptopsy
Crown Of Horns  Artist:Cryptopsy
Cold Hate, Warm Blood  Artist:Cryptopsy
Carrionshine  Artist:Cryptopsy
Born Headless  Artist:Cryptopsy
Benedictine Convulsions  Artist:Cryptopsy
Back to the Worms  Artist:Cryptopsy
Angelskingarden  Artist:Cryptopsy
Adeste Infidels  Artist:Cryptopsy
Abigor  Artist:Cryptopsy
Contemplate Regicide  Artist:Cryptopsy
The Headsmen  Artist:Cryptopsy

Although there might be unnecessarry words or letters in a song's title,
It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

Top 100 Lyrics  Top Songs By Year
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