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The result shows the nearest top 50.

Where Do We Go?  Artist:Destiny's End
Vanished  Artist:Destiny's End
Unsolved World  Artist:Destiny's End
Under Destruction's Thumb  Artist:Destiny's End
Transition  Artist:Destiny's End
To Be Immortal  Artist:Destiny's End
The Watcher  Artist:Destiny's End
The Suffering  Artist:Destiny's End
The Obscure  Artist:Destiny's End
The Legend  Artist:Destiny's End
The Last In Line  Artist:Destiny's End
The Fortress Unvanquishable  Artist:Destiny's End
Storm Clouds  Artist:Destiny's End
Sinister Deity  Artist:Destiny's End
Rebirth  Artist:Destiny's End
Idle City  Artist:Destiny's End
From Dust To Life  Artist:Destiny's End
First You Dream, Then You Die  Artist:Destiny's End
Dressed In White  Artist:Destiny's End
Clutching At Straws  Artist:Destiny's End
Breathe Deep The Dark  Artist:Destiny's End
A Passing Phase  Artist:Destiny's End
A Choice Of Graves  Artist:Destiny's End

Although there might be unnecessarry words or letters in a song's title,
It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

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