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The result shows the nearest top 50.

How You Sleep At Night  Artist:John Butler Trio
You're Free  Artist:John Butler Trio
Living In The City  Artist:John Butler Trio
Wings Are Wide  Artist:John Butler Trio
Devil Woman  Artist:John Butler Trio
Blame It On Me  Artist:John Butler Trio
Spring To Come  Artist:John Butler Trio
Young And Wild  Artist:John Butler Trio
Bullet Girl  Artist:John Butler Trio
Only One  Artist:John Butler Trio
Zebra  Artist:John Butler Trio
What You Want  Artist:John Butler Trio
What Can I Be?  Artist:John Butler Trio
Waited For You  Artist:John Butler Trio
Valley  Artist:John Butler Trio
Used To Get High  Artist:John Butler Trio
Trees  Artist:John Butler Trio
Treat Yo Momma  Artist:John Butler Trio
Treat Yo Mama  Artist:John Butler Trio
To Look Like You  Artist:John Butler Trio
There'll Come A Time  Artist:John Butler Trio
Take Me  Artist:John Butler Trio
Take  Artist:John Butler Trio
Steal It  Artist:John Butler Trio
Spring  Artist:John Butler Trio
Sometimes  Artist:John Butler Trio
Somethings Gotta Give  Artist:John Butler Trio
Something's Gotta Give  Artist:John Butler Trio
Sista  Artist:John Butler Trio
Seeing Angels  Artist:John Butler Trio
Revolution  Artist:John Butler Trio
Ragged Mile (Spirit Song)  Artist:John Butler Trio
Pickapart  Artist:John Butler Trio
Peaches & Cream  Artist:John Butler Trio
Peaches And Cream  Artist:John Butler Trio
One Way Road  Artist:John Butler Trio
Oldman  Artist:John Butler Trio
Old Man  Artist:John Butler Trio
Nowhere Man  Artist:John Butler Trio
Mystery Man  Artist:John Butler Trio
Money  Artist:John Butler Trio
Media  Artist:John Butler Trio
Losing You  Artist:John Butler Trio
Life Ain't What It Seems  Artist:John Butler Trio
Keeper  Artist:John Butler Trio
Johnny's Gone/Satisfy Segue  Artist:John Butler Trio
Johnny's Gone-Satisfy Segue  Artist:John Butler Trio
Inspiration  Artist:John Butler Trio
I'd Do Anything (Soldier's Lament)  Artist:John Butler Trio
Home Is Where The Heart Is  Artist:John Butler Trio

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It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

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