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The result shows the nearest top 50.

(sex you up) the way you like it  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Your Heart Is Safe With Me  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Where You Are  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
What If  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Westside Story  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
West Side Story  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Think About You  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
The Sun Still Shines  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
The Reason Why  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
The Dome  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
That's The Way It Is  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Summer Girls  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Summer Boys  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Step By Step  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
REASON WHY  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
My Block  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Life Is Good  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
If I Had A Dollar  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
If I can't have you  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
I Will Show You Mine  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
I Wanna Sex You Up  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
I Don't Wanna Kiss You Goodnight  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Gravity  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Girl On Tv  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Forever  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Every Other Time  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Erase Her  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Dandelion.  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Dandelion  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Cross My Heart  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Can't Have You  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Baby Be Mine  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
Alyana  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
All I Need To Know  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
6 Minutes  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)
28 Days  Artist:LFO (Lyte Funky Ones)

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It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

Top 100 Lyrics  Top Songs By Year
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