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The result shows the nearest top 50.

Wildflower  Artist:Lisa Brokop
Who Needs You  Artist:Lisa Brokop
Whiskey and Wine  Artist:Lisa Brokop
When You Get To Be You  Artist:Lisa Brokop
Take That  Artist:Lisa Brokop
She Can't Save Him  Artist:Lisa Brokop
Say  Artist:Lisa Brokop
Pearl  Artist:Lisa Brokop
One of Those Nights  Artist:Lisa Brokop
One Bad Day  Artist:Lisa Brokop
Not Here in My Arms  Artist:Lisa Brokop
Never Gonna Be Your Fool Again  Artist:Lisa Brokop
Let Me Love Again  Artist:Lisa Brokop
Ladylike  Artist:Lisa Brokop
Just A Girl  Artist:Lisa Brokop
I'd Like To See You Try  Artist:Lisa Brokop
How Do I Let Go?  Artist:Lisa Brokop
Give Me a Ring Sometime  Artist:Lisa Brokop
Faith, Hope & Love  Artist:Lisa Brokop
Every Little Girl's Dream  Artist:Lisa Brokop
Cool Summer Night  Artist:Lisa Brokop
Big Picture  Artist:Lisa Brokop
Better Off Broken  Artist:Lisa Brokop

Although there might be unnecessarry words or letters in a song's title,
It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

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