Type the name of the song or an artist, and start searching it.
Search type   Top Songs By Year
The result shows the nearest top 50.

The Blur, the Line and the Thickest of Onions  Artist:Little Comets
Early Retirement  Artist:Little Comets
Little Italy  Artist:Little Comets
Coalition of One  Artist:Little Comets
Worry  Artist:Little Comets
Woman Woman  Artist:Little Comets
Waiting in the Shadows in the Dead of Night  Artist:Little Comets
W-O-E  Artist:Little Comets
Violence Out Tonight  Artist:Little Comets
The Western Boy  Artist:Little Comets
Tense Empty  Artist:Little Comets
Semaphores On the Lawn  Artist:Little Comets
Language Is Over  Artist:Little Comets
Jennifer  Artist:Little Comets
In Blue Music We Trust  Artist:Little Comets
His Thunder  Artist:Little Comets
Bridge Burn  Artist:Little Comets
Bayonne  Artist:Little Comets
A Little Opus  Artist:Little Comets

Although there might be unnecessarry words or letters in a song's title,
It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

Top 100 Lyrics  Top Songs By Year
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