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The result shows the nearest top 50.

Wake Me When It's Over  Artist:Longwave
Tidal Wave  Artist:Longwave
The Ghosts Around You  Artist:Longwave
Strangest Things  Artist:Longwave
State Of Mind  Artist:Longwave
Something  Artist:Longwave
Pretty Face  Artist:Longwave
Pool Song  Artist:Longwave
No Direction  Artist:Longwave
Meet Me At The Bottom  Artist:Longwave
Make Me Whole  Artist:Longwave
Make Me A Believer  Artist:Longwave
I Know It's Coming Someday  Artist:Longwave
Exit  Artist:Longwave
Everywhere You Turn  Artist:Longwave
Escape  Artist:Longwave
Ending  Artist:Longwave
Crushed Down And Faded  Artist:Longwave
Crash  Artist:Longwave
Brighter Than Time  Artist:Longwave
Best Kept Secret  Artist:Longwave
All Sewn Up  Artist:Longwave

Although there might be unnecessarry words or letters in a song's title,
It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

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