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The result shows the nearest top 50.

Henny Flow  Artist:Omen
Motion Picture  Artist:Omen
Medusa  Artist:Omen
I Got Dreams  Artist:Omen
Warning Of Danger  Artist:Omen
Thorn In Your Flesh  Artist:Omen
The Curse  Artist:Omen
The Axeman  Artist:Omen
Termination  Artist:Omen
Teeth Of The Hydra  Artist:Omen
Ruby Eyes (Of The Serpent)  Artist:Omen
Ride For Life  Artist:Omen
Red Horizon  Artist:Omen
Radar Love  Artist:Omen
Prince Of Darkness  Artist:Omen
Poisoned  Artist:Omen
Nomads  Artist:Omen
No Way Out  Artist:Omen
March On  Artist:Omen
Mama Told Me  Artist:Omen
Make Me Your King  Artist:Omen
Last Rites  Artist:Omen
King Of The Hill  Artist:Omen
Kill On Sight  Artist:Omen
It's Not Easy  Artist:Omen
In The Arena  Artist:Omen
Holy Martyr  Artist:Omen
Hell's Gate  Artist:Omen
Eye Of The Storm  Artist:Omen
Escape To Nowhere  Artist:Omen
Dragons Breath  Artist:Omen
Don't Fear The Night  Artist:Omen
Die By The Blade  Artist:Omen
Destiny  Artist:Omen
Death Rider  Artist:Omen
Cry For The Morning  Artist:Omen
Bring Out The Beast  Artist:Omen
Bounty Hunter  Artist:Omen
Black Hero Overture  Artist:Omen
Be My Wench  Artist:Omen
Battle Cry  Artist:Omen
At All Cost  Artist:Omen

Although there might be unnecessarry words or letters in a song's title,
It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

Top 100 Lyrics  Top Songs By Year
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