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The result shows the nearest top 50.

Clean Getaway  Artist:Pete Rock
Megan Good  Artist:Pete Rock
#1 Soul Brother  Artist:Pete Rock
We Good  Artist:Pete Rock
Warzone  Artist:Pete Rock
Verbal Murder 2  Artist:Pete Rock
Truth Is  Artist:Pete Rock
Truly Yours '98  Artist:Pete Rock
Tha Game  Artist:Pete Rock
Take Your Time  Artist:Pete Rock
Strange Fruit  Artist:Pete Rock
Soul Survivor  Artist:Pete Rock
Rock Steady Part II  Artist:Pete Rock
Respect Mine  Artist:Pete Rock
One MC One DJ  Artist:Pete Rock
One Life to Live  Artist:Pete Rock
No Tears  Artist:Pete Rock
Niggaz Know  Artist:Pete Rock
Mind Blowin'  Artist:Pete Rock
Just Do It  Artist:Pete Rock
It's the Postaboy  Artist:Pete Rock
It's About That Time  Artist:Pete Rock
It's a Love Thing  Artist:Pete Rock
Head Rush (More Base)  Artist:Pete Rock
Half Man Half Amazin'  Artist:Pete Rock
Give it to Ya  Artist:Pete Rock
Fly Till I Die  Artist:Pete Rock
Da Two  Artist:Pete Rock
Beef  Artist:Pete Rock
Appreciate  Artist:Pete Rock
Tru Master  Artist:Pete Rock

Although there might be unnecessarry words or letters in a song's title,
It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

Top 100 Lyrics  Top Songs By Year
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