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You Make Me Feel Good  Artist:Ralph McTell
Weather The Storm  Artist:Ralph McTell
Throw Out A Line And Dream  Artist:Ralph McTell
The Setting  Artist:Ralph McTell
The Girl From The Hiring Fair  Artist:Ralph McTell
The Ferryman  Artist:Ralph McTell
Tequila Sunset  Artist:Ralph McTell
Summer Girls  Artist:Ralph McTell
Stranger To The Season  Artist:Ralph McTell
Song For Martin  Artist:Ralph McTell
Seeds of Heaven  Artist:Ralph McTell
Pity the Boy  Artist:Ralph McTell
Mr. Connaughton  Artist:Ralph McTell
Michael In The Garden  Artist:Ralph McTell
Lunar Lullaby  Artist:Ralph McTell
Jenny Taylor/Je N'Etais La  Artist:Ralph McTell
Interest on the Loan  Artist:Ralph McTell
Heron Song  Artist:Ralph McTell
Hands Of Joseph  Artist:Ralph McTell
Grande Affaire  Artist:Ralph McTell
From Clare To Here  Artist:Ralph McTell
Dear River Thames  Artist:Ralph McTell
Country Boys  Artist:Ralph McTell
Bridge Of Sighs  Artist:Ralph McTell
Barges  Artist:Ralph McTell
Another Star Ascending  Artist:Ralph McTell
Streets Of London  Artist:Ralph McTell

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It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

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