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The result shows the nearest top 50.

The weight  Artist:Shannon Curfman
That's How it Feels  Artist:Shannon Curfman
Sun's Gonna Rise  Artist:Shannon Curfman
Real Bad Feeling  Artist:Shannon Curfman
Playing with fire  Artist:Shannon Curfman
No riders  Artist:Shannon Curfman
Never enough  Artist:Shannon Curfman
Musta Been Love  Artist:Shannon Curfman
Love me like that  Artist:Shannon Curfman
If you change your mind  Artist:Shannon Curfman
I Don't Make Promises (I Can't Break)  Artist:Shannon Curfman
I don't make promises  Artist:Shannon Curfman
I'm coming home  Artist:Shannon Curfman
Hard to make a stand  Artist:Shannon Curfman
Few and far between  Artist:Shannon Curfman
True Friends  Artist:Shannon Curfman

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It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

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