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The result shows the nearest top 50.

What Child Is This  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Hey Moon  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
What A Glorious Night  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Silent Night  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Hope Was Born This Night  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
White Christmas  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Holly Jolly Christmas  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
That Spirit Of Christmas  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Because Its Christmas  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Give Me Christmas  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Merry Christmas To You  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
You Will Never Leave Me  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
You Love Me Anyway  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
You Can Have Me  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Wrecking Ball  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
This Is Not Goodbye  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
The Words I Would Say  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Show Me How To Love  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Save My Life  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Moving All The While  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Love, Love, Love  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Live Like That  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Lay Down My Life  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Know That You Are Loved  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Keep Making Me  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Just Might Change Your Life  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
It's Good (Love's Not Safe)  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Help Me Find It  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Heart's On Fire  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
Give It All Away  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
For You Tonight  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
For What It's Worth  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets
All Things New  Artist:Sidewalk Prophets

Although there might be unnecessarry words or letters in a song's title,
It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

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