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The result shows the nearest top 50.

Reconsider  Artist:The Xx
VCR  Artist:The Xx
Unfold  Artist:The Xx
Try  Artist:The Xx
Tides  Artist:The Xx
Teardrops  Artist:The Xx
Swept Away  Artist:The Xx
Sunset  Artist:The Xx
Stars  Artist:The Xx
Shelter  Artist:The Xx
Reunion  Artist:The Xx
Our Song  Artist:The Xx
Open Eyes  Artist:The Xx
Night Time  Artist:The Xx
Missing  Artist:The Xx
Islands  Artist:The Xx
Insects  Artist:The Xx
Infinity  Artist:The Xx
Hot Like Fire  Artist:The Xx
Heart Skipped A Beat  Artist:The Xx
Fiction  Artist:The Xx
Fantasy  Artist:The Xx
Do You Mind  Artist:The Xx
Crystalised  Artist:The Xx
Chained  Artist:The Xx
Blood Red Moon  Artist:The Xx
Basic Space  Artist:The Xx
Angels  Artist:The Xx

Although there might be unnecessarry words or letters in a song's title,
It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

Top 100 Lyrics  Top Songs By Year
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