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The result shows the nearest top 50.

Can`t Stop (Feat. Kanye West)  Artist:Theophilus London
Neu Law  Artist:Theophilus London
Take A Look  Artist:Theophilus London
Rio  Artist:Theophilus London
Wine And Chocolates  Artist:Theophilus London
Why Even Try  Artist:Theophilus London
Want U For Myself  Artist:Theophilus London
Ultraviolent  Artist:Theophilus London
TNT  Artist:Theophilus London
Sorry To Interrupt  Artist:Theophilus London
Sand-Castle (Black X Blue)  Artist:Theophilus London
One Last Time  Artist:Theophilus London
Neighbors  Artist:Theophilus London
Love Is Real  Artist:Theophilus London
Light Years  Artist:Theophilus London
Life Of A Lover  Artist:Theophilus London
Last Name London  Artist:Theophilus London
I Want You  Artist:Theophilus London
I Stand Alone  Artist:Theophilus London
Humdrum Town  Artist:Theophilus London
Flying Overseas  Artist:Theophilus London
Enjoy The Sun  Artist:Theophilus London
Don't Be Afraid  Artist:Theophilus London
Departure (Paris 96)  Artist:Theophilus London
Dance Hall Days  Artist:Theophilus London
Crazy Cousins  Artist:Theophilus London
Cold Pillow  Artist:Theophilus London
Century Girl  Artist:Theophilus London
Blindfolded  Artist:Theophilus London
Big Spender  Artist:Theophilus London
Aquamilitia  Artist:Theophilus London
All Around The World  Artist:Theophilus London
Accept The New  Artist:Theophilus London
A Strangers Heart  Artist:Theophilus London
Wine & Chocolates (Andhim Remix Radio Ver.)  Artist:Theophilus London

Although there might be unnecessarry words or letters in a song's title,
It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

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