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Title: Loop In My Heart ¢¾ emyli&yoshika
Artist: m-flo

Loop In My Heart
Written by m-flo & YOSHIKA

You called
I called
We talked
We laughed
We did¡¦

Ä«·çÀ̱â¸ðÄ¡³ª SUMMER
°¡º­¿î ±âºÐÀÇ SUMMER

ª¤ªÄªÎªÞªËª« cauht up and uh¡¦
ÀÌÃ÷³ë¸¶´ÏÄ« cauht up and uh¡¦
¾î´À»õÀΰ¡ cauht up and uh¡¦

One thing led to another¡¦
In love
In what?
In love
Say what?
Say what?...
Girl I can¡¯t be your lover
He said
She said



Baby¡¦ you know ªÏ you¡¯re in my mind
Baby¡¦ you know ÁöÃ÷¿Í you¡¯re in my mind
Baby¡¦ you know »ç½ÇÀº you¡¯re in my mind

ÀÌÄ¡´ÏÄ¡Á긶Áö, ¿À¿À°Ô»çÀð³ªÀÌ
Á¤¸»ÀÌ¾ß ÇÏ·çÁ¾ÀÏ, °úÀåÀÌ ¾Æ³Ä

it¡¯s like¡¦ Ú±ªÊªÎªËÍŪ¨
it¡¯s like¡¦ ¹ÌŸÀÌÄ˳ª³ë´Ï°­°¡¿¡
it¡¯s like¡¦ ¹ÌüÇèÀÌÁö¸¸ »ý°¢ÇØ

̸ªëÙÓªÈÍìªË I drift ªæªé¢¦ªê
¸¶È÷·ç¹Ì·çÀ¯¸ÞÅäÅä¸ð´ÏI drift À¯¶ó~¸®
Çѳ·¿¡ ²Ù´Â ²Þ°ú ÇÔ²² I drift Èçµé

ªæªéªæªé¡¢ì£ìÑ¡¢ wanna touch ya
À¯¶óÀ¯¶ó, ÈÄŸ¸®, wanna touch ya
ÈçµéÈçµé, µÎ»ç¶÷, wanna touch ya

Bodyµ¥¸¶¿Í¸®, ±â´Ï¼¼ÁîÈÖ³ª-·¹¸¶µ¥
Body·Î ÁÖÀ§¸¦ ½Å°æ¾²Áö ¸»°í ¸¶Áö¸·±îÁö

ªâªÃªÆªÃªÁªãª¦ my imagination
¸øÅÝí¿ìmy imagination
°¡º­°¡ ¹ö·Ámy imagination

¼Ò¿ÀÁ¶½ÃÅ×, ¸ð¼Ò¿À½ÃÅ×, ¾Æ°Ô·çÅÙ¼ð
»ó»óÇÏ°í, ¸Á»óÇϸç, ¿Ã¸®´Â ÅÙ¼Ç

µ¥¸ð»ç°¡·çÁ¦, È¥Åä³ëÅäÄÚ¿Í
ÇÏÁö¸¸ »ç½ÇÀº ³»·Á°¡°í ÀÖ¾î

no communication, «¶«Ã«Ä¡¡öÈ٤߿¡¡
no communication, ÀãÃ÷ Ä¡¸ÞÀ̼î-
no communication, ÀãÃ÷ Ä¡¸í»ó

that¡¯s why, ﷪ʪ¤ I¡¯m alone
that¡¯s why, ¼¼Ã÷³ªÀÌ I¡¯m alone
that¡¯s why, ¾ÖÀýÇØ I¡¯m alone

ìéÓΪßõóª·ª¿ª¤¡¢ so we could go home
ÀÔ»ÇÈĹ̴ٽßÀÌ, so we could go home
ÇÑ°ÉÀ½ ³»µó°í ½Í¾î, so we could go home

Åä¿À¸®½º±â·ç °¡Á¦³ë¿ä¿À´Ï
Áö³ª°¡´Â ¹Ù¶÷°ú °°ÀÌ

½ºÁî½Ã¼Ò¿À´Ï ¿Í¶óÀÌÄ«ÄÉ·ç³ë
½Ã¿øÇÏ°Ô ¿ô¾îÁִ°žß

ªâªÃªÈÐΪ¯ just right next to me
¸øÅäÄ¡Ä«Äí just right next to me
Á» ´õ °¡±îÀÌ just right next to me

ª½ªÎ໪Πlove story¡¡ªßª»ªÆªÛª·ª¤
¼Ò³ë»çÅ°³ëlove story ¹Ì¼¼Å×È£½ÃÀÌ
±× ¾ÕÀÇ love story º¸¿©Áà

You called
I called
We talked
We laughed
We did¡¦

ª¤ò¥ªÁªÇ started
°¡º­¿î ¸¶À½À¸·Îstarted


caught up


䢪¯ I thought we fell
ÈÄÄ«Äí I thought we fell
±í°Ô I thought we fell

In love
In what?
In love


Say what?...
Girl I can¡¯t be your lover
He said
She said



ÇÏÁö¸¸ »ç½ÇÀº¡¦

Bet you wanna play with my heart

ÍÔªÞªë feelingsª¬ high
´ÙÄ«¸¶·ç feelings°¡ high
°íÁ¶µÇ´Â feelings°¡ high

And it feels so right (so right) so right (so right)

ÀÌÃ÷³ë¸¶´ÏÄ« fell
¾î´À»÷°¡ fell

For you~ (you tellin¡¯ me¡¦ youªÎª»ª¤ªÇ)
For you~ (you tellin¡¯ me¡¦ you³ë¼¼À̵¥)
For you~ (you tellin¡¯ me¡¦ you ¶§¹®¿¡)

Ah~ (but I¡¯m with you baby)
So bad (so bad) so bad (so bad)
You LOOP in my heart

ª«ª«ªÃªÆª³ªÊª¤phone ÓâªÁª±
īıÅ×ÄÚ³ªÀÌ phone ¸¶Ä¡Ã÷ÁîÄÉ
°É·Á¿ÀÁö ¾Ê´Â phone °è¼Ó ±â´Ù·Á

ÈÄŸ¸®³ë»þ½Ì ¹ÌÃ÷¸ÞÅ×
µÑÀÌ ÂïÀº »çÁø ¹Ù¶óº¸¸ç

ù¨ªËªÏ so unfair ªÀª±ªÉ baby
°¡·¹´Ï¿Í so unfair ´ÙÄɵµ baby
±×¿¡°Ô´Â so unfair ÇÏÁö¸¸ baby

I can¡¯t get you outta my head

My name¡¯s V-E-R-B the A

¼Ò½ÃÅ× »çÀÌ°í´ÏÃ÷Äí³ë¡¸L¡¹
±×¸®°í ¸¶Áö¸·¿¡ ºÙ´Â¡¸L¡¹

And I¡¯m part of a group ØΪìªéªìªÊª¤
And I¡¯m part of a group ¿Í½º·¡¶ó·¡³ªÀÌ
And I¡¯m part of a group ÀØÀ» ¼ö ¾ø¾î

Ù£îñ with the ÔéÙþí®¡¸m¡¹
³ª¸¶¿¡ with the Ä«½Ã¶ó¸ðÁö¡¸m¡¹
À̸§with the ¾Õ±ÛÀÚ¡¸m¡¹

Ã÷ÁîÄí¡¸F-L-O¡¹ ¿ìŸ¿ì
À̾ ¡¸F-L-O¡¹ ³ë·¡Çϳ×

With «è«·««¡¡ã·ªÞªìªÐ don¡¯t stop
With ¿ä½ÃÄ« ÇÏÁö¸¶·¡¹Ù don¡¯t stop
With ¿ä½ÃÄ« ½ÃÀÛÇÑ´Ù¸édon¡¯t stop

«¿«¯«¿«« to the «Ï«· on the beats that rock
ŸÄíŸī to the ÇϽÃon the beats that rock
ŸÄíŸī to the ÇϽÃon the beats that rock

«¨«ß«ê¡¡ÔѪ±ªÐ¡¡she don¡¯t stop
¿¡¹Ì¸® ¿ì°íÄɹ٠she don¡¯t stop
¿¡¹Ì¸®°¡ ¿òÁ÷À̸é she don¡¯t stop

You called
I called
We talked
We laughed
We did¡¦


caught up


䢪¯ I thought we fell
ÈÄÄ«Äí I thought we fell
±í°Ô I thought we fell

In love
In what?
In love


Say what?
Say what?...
Girl I can¡¯t be your lover
He said
She said



ÇÏÁö¸¸ »ç½ÇÀº¡¦

Why you wanna play with my heart

ÍÔªÞªë emotions so high
´ÙÄ«¸¶·ç emotions so high
°íÁ¶µÇ´Â emotions so high

And it feels so right (so right) so right (so right)

Üõª±ªÐ got a crush
Å°ÁîÄɹ٠got a crush
±ú´Ý°í º¸¸é got a crush

On you~ (you tellin¡¯ me¡¦ youªÎª»ª¤ªÇ)
On you~ (you tellin¡¯ me¡¦ you³ë¼¼À̵¥)
On you~ (you tellin¡¯ me¡¦ you ¶§¹®¿¡)

Ah~ (but I¡¯m with you baby)
So bad (so bad) so bad (so bad)
You LOOP in my heart

Seen it, done it, been there done that

But ÏÖ¡¢«Þ«¸¡¢lookin so ªÄªÞªóªÍª¨
But ±â¹Ì¡¢¸¶Áö¡¢lookin so Ã÷¸¸³×¿¡
But ³Ê¡¢Á¤¸»¡¢lookin so Àç¹Ì¾ø¾î

ª¢ª¯ªÓª«ª­¡¢¡¡ªÏ got something to
¾ÆÄíºñÄ«Å°, ÁöÃ÷¿Í got something to
ÇÏÇ°À̳ª ÇÏ°í, ½ÇÀº got something to

Tell me, ªÊªÎªËwhy you keep frontin?
Tell me, ³ª³ë´Ï why you keep frontin?
Tell me, ±×·±µ¥ why you keep frontin?

ü¥ª¢ªóªÊªé¡¡òÁïÈ say it
Çϳª½Ã¾È³ª¶ó ÃÝÄÚ¼¼Ã÷ say it
ÇÒ ¸»ÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù¸é Á÷Á¢ say it

ü¥ªÊª¤ªÊªé why you wanna stay here?
Çϳª½Ã³ªÀ̳ª¶ó why you wanna stay here?
ÇÒ ¸»ÀÌ ¾ø´Ù¸é why you wanna stay here?

Feel ÜôèÇîï¡¢ª³ª¸ªìªÆª¯Ìõ
Feel ºÒ¿ÏÀü, ²¿ÀÌ´Â °ü°è

ª¨ªÆªè¡¡one thing ªÀªÃªÆ¡¦
¿À½Ã¿¡Å׿äone thing ´åÅס¦
°¡¸£ÃÄÁà one thing ÇÏÁö¸¸¡¦

No matter how many times I try

¾Æ¹«¸® ¸»Çصµ ¾ðÁ¦³ª ÀüÇØÁöÁö ¾Ê¾Æ¡¦

baby you don¡¯t know (baby you don¡¯t know)
baby you don¡¯t know (baby you don¡¯t know)

¿À³ªÁö°íÅäÄí¸®Ä«¿¡½º¿ä¿À, ´ÙÄɵµ
°°Àº Àϸ¸ ¹Ýº¹µÇ´Â °Í °°¾Æ, ÇÏÁö¸¸

³ÊÀÇ ¸¶À½¿¡ ´êÁö ¾ÊÀ» °Í °°¾Æ¡¦

baby you don¡¯t know (baby you don¡¯t know)
baby you don¡¯t know (baby you don¡¯t know)

öâªÎìѪȪ¤ªÆªâ baby you¡¯re on my mind
ȣī³ëÈ÷ÅäÅäÀÌÅ׸ð baby you¡¯re on my mind
´Ù¸¥ »ç¶÷°ú À־ baby you¡¯re on my mind

ªÉª¦ª·ªÆªâ just can¡¯t help it so¡¡òɪêï·ªìªÊª¤
µµ¿À½ÃÅ׸ð just can¡¯t help it so Èĸ®Å°·¹³ªÀÌ
¾î¶»°Ô Çصµ just can¡¯t help it so »Ñ¸®Ä¥¼ö ¾ø¾î

ØΪìªéªìªÊª¯ªÆ¡¡ò¥ªÁª¬¡¡round and round
¿Í½º·¡¶ó·¹³ªÄíÅ× ±â¸ðÄ¡°¡ round and round
ÀØÀ» ¼ö°¡ ¾ø¾î¼­ ¸¶À½ÀÌ round and round

ðÛªêÚ÷ª¹ªèª¦ªË¡¡you keep running back to me
Äí¸®Ä«¿¡½º¿ä¿À´Ï you keep running back to me
¹Ýº¹µÇ´Â °Íó·³ you keep running back to me

Bet you wanna play with my heart

ÍÔªÞªë feelingsª¬ high
´ÙÄ«¸¶·ç feelings°¡ high
°íÁ¶µÇ´Â feelings°¡ high

And it feels so right (so right) so right (so right)

ÀÌÃ÷³ë¸¶´ÏÄ« fell
¾î´À»÷°¡ fell

For you~ (you tellin¡¯ me¡¦ youªÎª»ª¤ªÇ)
For you~ (you tellin¡¯ me¡¦ you³ë¼¼À̵¥)
For you~ (you tellin¡¯ me¡¦ you ¶§¹®¿¡)

Ah~ (but I¡¯m with you baby)
So bad (so bad) so bad (so bad)
You LOOP in my heart

Why you wanna play with my heart

ÍÔªÞªë emotions so high
´ÙÄ«¸¶·ç emotions so high
°íÁ¶µÇ´Â emotions so high

And it feels so right (so right) so right (so right)

Üõª±ªÐ got a crush
Å°ÁîÄɹ٠got a crush
±ú´Ý°í º¸¸é got a crush

On you~ (you tellin¡¯ me¡¦ youªÎª»ª¤ªÇ)
On you~ (you tellin¡¯ me¡¦ you³ë¼¼À̵¥)
On you~ (you tellin¡¯ me¡¦ you ¶§¹®¿¡)

Ah~ (but I¡¯m with you baby)
So bad (so bad) so bad (so bad)
You LOOP in my heart

Loop In My Heart ¢¾ emyli&yoshika

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