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Title: Planet Shining
Artist: m-flo

Planet Shining
Planet Shining
Planet Shining
Planet Shining...

Ooh... Å°¸¶¸¶³ª ³ª°¡·¹º¸½ÃŸµ¾Å×½º½º¸ð-
Ooh... Á¦¸Ú´ë·ÎÀÎÀ¯¼ºÀ»µû¶óÀüÁøÇÏÀÚ

öܪ¬ò¦ª¹ãÁʾ it steps A.M.
Çϸ®°¡»ç½º ÁöÄÚÄí it steps A.M.
¹Ù´ÃÀÌ°¡¸®Å°´Â ½Ã°¢ it steps A.M.

àøÍöªÈªâª¹×µàø his ò¢øÁàÊ
È£½ÃÁ¶¶óÅä¸ð½º·ù-¼¼- his Ä¡Çì-¼¾
º°¹ãÇÏ´Ã Å°´ÂÀ¯¼º his ÁöÆò¼±

«Þ«¸ amazing «¢«Ê«¶«ï«ë«ÉàøìÑ
¸¶Áö amazing ¾Æ³ªÀÚ¿Í-·çµµ¼¼-Áø
ÁøÂ¥ amazing another world ¼ºÀÎ

¾ÆÁö¿ÍÄí·¹¿À-·çÄÉÀÌÀò ·¹ÆäÁ¨´Ù·¹-»ê
¸ÀÀº Å©·¹¿ÃÄÉÀÌÁØ ·¹ÆäÁ¨´Ù03

½Ã°¡ÀÌÄìÄí¹æ ¼ÒÄíÀÚ´ÏÄíÃ÷ÇÏÅ° Äí·ç¸¶³ëÅ°-¸¶¿Í½Ã
°Å¸®±¹¹ø ´çÀå¿¡½Å¹ß½Å°í Â÷Å°µ¹·Á

ªªª±ªÊª¤ª¼¡¡ª«ª¶ª«ªß¡¡I be «¯«é«¯«·«ç«óªÊªéª·
¿ÀÄɳªÀÌÁ¦ Ä«ÀÚÄ«¹Ì I be Äí¶óÄí¼ð³ª¶ó½Ã
³õÀ»¼ö¾ø¾î dzÇâ I be Å©·¢¼Ç¿ï·Á

òä it's time for ª±ª¬ªìª¿ soul washin'
ÇֽŠit's time for ÄÉ°¡·¹Å¸ soul washin'
¹ß½Å it's time for ´õ·´ÇôÁø soul washin'

ªÕªµªïª·ª¤«Æ«×ªò«¹«Æ«ì«ªªËËÒª±ªë sesame
ÈÄ»ç¿Í½ÃÀÌ Å×-Ǫ¿À ½ºÅ×·¹¿À´Ï¾ÆÄÉ·ç sesame
¾î¿ï¸®´Â Å×ÀÔÀ» ½ºÅ×·¹¿À¿¡ ¿­·Á¶óÂü±ú

it's mic felony ×µª¹«á«í«Ç«£
it's mic felony ³ª°¡½º¸Þ·Îµð-
it's mic felony È帣´Â¸á·Îµð

The Pirelli's «¢«¹«Õ«¡«ë«Èªòõ¥ª¬ª· we crusin'
The Pirelli's ¾Æ½ºÈ­·çÅä¿ÀÄÚ°¡½Ã we crusin'
The Pirelli's ¾Æ½ºÆÈÆ®¸¦ ¹Ì¼ý°¡·ç·Î

µ¥ ÈÄ-ÁöÄÚ¸Þ¶ó·¹Å¸ »çÄɺñ¹ÙÄíÇÏÃ÷½¼Á¨
°¤Èù¿ÜħÀÌ Æø¹ßÁ÷Àü

ª·ªåªâª¯ª¶ªá¡¡vision three-sixty
½´¸ðÄíÀÚ¸Þ vision three-sixty
±Í»ó¾î vision three-sixty

¸¶¿Í¸®¹Ì¿ÍŸ½ºÄɽÃÅ× ÈÄÃ÷-³ë¿äÁ¶¶óÀð³ªÀÌ
ÁÖÀ§¸¦ ÈȾ´Ï °áÄÚÆò¼ÒÀǹãÇÏ´ÃÀÌ ¾Æ´Ï¾ß

I gotta just back and kiss me ª³ªìªÏª¢ªÊª¿ªÎ listenin'
I gotta just back and kiss me ÄÚ·¹¿Í¾Æ³ªÅ¸³ë listenin'
I gotta just back and kiss me ÀÌ°Ç ´ç½ÅÀÇ listenin'

Pleasure éÄ¡¡ª¹ª°ªµªÞáꪷªÞª¹
Pleasure ¼¾¿ä- ½º±¸»ç¸¶ÅÙ¼Ò-½Ã¸¶½º
Pleasure Àü¿ë Áï½ÃÀü¼ÛÇÏ°Ú½À´Ï´Ù

¼ÂÄÉ-Áî È£-Å×-½ÃÅ°ÅäÅ°
¼³°èµµ ¹æÁ¤½ÄÀ»Ç®°í

¾Æ¹Ì´Ù½º ½ºÆä-½º
»ý°¢Çس»´Â Space

Ã÷Å°´Ï¸Þ°¡ÄÉÅ׸¶¿ìÄ«¹Ì³ëÄɳë Ä«Á¦¾ÆŸ¸®ÇÏ°Ô½ÃÄí
´ÞÀ»³ë¸®°í ³¯¸®´Â¸Ó¸®Ä«¶ô ¹Ù¶÷À̼¼°Ô

¾ßÄÉ-¿À ¸¶¿¡´Ï¿Í½º·¹Å×Äí °ÔÅ°Ã÷-
¾ß°æÀ» ¾Õ¿¡µÎ°í Àؾ´ÂÅëÁõ

We gotta find our way

´ÏÁöÀ̷δϼҸ¶·ç¼Ò¶óÄ«¶ó ´©ÄÉÅ×À¯Äí
¹«Áö°³»öÀ¸·Î¹°µé¿©Áö´Â Çϴÿ¡¼­ ºüÁ®³ª°¡´Â

You gotta leave or stay

öҪĪÎß䪬ڤª³ª¨ªëíÞᶪØ... Ah...
ÀÏ°ö»ö±òÀÌ µé¸®´Â°÷À¸·Î... Ah...

Ooh... éÔñµªÎ«á«í«Ç«£ªËãóªòìòª»ªèª¦
Ooh... ¿ìÃò-³ë¸Þ·Îµð-´Ï¹Ì¿À¸¶Ä«¼¼¿ä-
Ooh... ¿ìÁÖÀǸá·Îµð¿¡ ¸öÀ»¸Ã±âÀÚ

ãáÙíãÊ¡¡ÑÑÊÈÞÑ¡¡livin' larger, word is Mitsukoshi
½Å°í-¹«½Ã ŲīÄíÁö livin' larger, word is Mitsukoshi
½ÅÈ£¹«½ÃÇÏ°í ŲīÄíÁö(ÀýÀ̸§..) larger, word is Mitsukoshi

ãýªÏêê¡¡paradigm shift
ÄÚÄÚ·Î¿Í ¿ä-Áö paradigm shift
¸¶À½Àº ¾î¸°¾ÆÀÌ

ÄÚÄÚÄ«¶ó Ä«À̽à ÈÊÄ«Ã÷¾Æ³ª½ºÅ¸-»þ
¿©±â¼­ºÎÅͽÃÀÛ ºÎÈ°¾Æ³ª½ºÅ¸»þ

Äí·Î-¹«È£ÀÌ-·ç°¡ ³ª³ªÈ÷Ä«¸®¿ÀÇÑ»þ
Å©·ÒÈ£ÀÏÀÌ ÀÏ°ö°³ÀǺûÀ»¹Ý»ç

Å׶ó½ºÀÌÄ¡¸à ¶ó ÄíÄ«¶ó-í
ºñÃß´Â ÇѸé La Cucaracha

Your Ù½ªÁªãªóÛ¾ªÍªÆ¡¡three thousand
Your Ä«-òŸÁî³×Å× three thousand
Your ¾ö¸¶ÇÑÅ× ¹°¾îºÁ three thousand

Íت¬ªëÎßó¬ïêÏéÓ¡¡we never jiggy
¸¶°¡·çÄÚ-»çÅ޿͹̱â we never jiggy
±³Â÷Á¡Àº ¿À¸¥ÂÊÀ¸·Î µ¹°í we never jiggy

Å°ºñ½Ã-ÀΟ-½ÃƼ-µ¥ ¿À-ÄɽºÅä¶óÄ«¸¶½Ã
ÇèÇÑ ÀÎÅͽÃƼ¿¡¼­ ¿ÀÄɽºÆ®¶ó

Comin' through, comin' through ª³ªÎ«Þ«¤«¯Ê¥æð
Comin' through, comin' through Äڳ븶ÀÌÄíÄ«³×Ã÷
Comin' through, comin' through À̸¶ÀÌÅ© °¡¿­

ªµª·ª¹ª»ª½¡¡ù¾ÙÍâ«à´ international
»ç½Ã½º¼¼¼Ò ³ªÃ÷¸Þ¼Ò-¼¼Å° international
»ç½Ã½º¼¼¼Ò ³ªÃ÷¸Þ¼Ò¼¼Å°(ÀÛ°¡) international

Äì-½Ã ¹Ì³×½ºÅä·Î-´Ï ¿À±³-±â¿äÄí
±³¼ö ¹Ì³×½ºÅä·Î´Ï ¿¹Àǹٸ£°Ô

Á¶-´ÏŸº£Åä½ÃÄڽà ½º¹Ù¶ó½Ã-
¶±±¹¸Ô°íÀϳâÁö³ª°í ¸ÚÀÖ´Ù

«««Ê«Óª¬ò¦ãƪ¹ªëªÞªÞªËª¤ª«ªº wannabe
Ä«-³ªºñ°¡½ÃÁö½º·ç¸¶¸¶´ÏÀÌÄ«Áî wannabe
ij³Êºñ°¡ Áö½ÃÇϴ´ë·Î°¡Áö¸»°í wannabe

¿¡¹«½Ã-³ë ¼î-ŸÀÌ¿À¹Ù¶ó½Ã

ª¿ªÀªÁªË evacuate¡¡«¶«¯«íª¬íÈÖ®
Ÿ´ÙÄ¡´Ï evacuate ÀÚÄí·Î°¡»çÄí·¹Ã÷
Áï½Ã evacuate ÀÚÄí·Î(½Ä¹°À̸§..)°¡ ÀÛ·ÄÇÑ´Ù

Destiny's Ê­ª±ÎéÙÚª­ª¢ª²ªÞª¹ªÇª¹¡¡«Ù«é«¹«±«¹
Destiny's Ä«ÄÉÇϽÿ¡°¡Å°¾Æ°Ô¸¶½ºµ¥½º º£¶ó½ºÄɽº
Destiny's °¡±³ÀDZ׸²±×·ÁÁÝ´Ï´ÙÀÔ´Ï´Ù º£¶ó½ºÄɽº

Êöª¯ªÍª§ so ÛÝÒ´ðĪ§¡¡MC, I be snorkelin'
¾Æ¸¶Äí³×- so ÇáÄí³ÙÇÏ¿¹- MC, I be snorkelin'
¸¸¸¸ÇÑ°Ô¾Æ³Ä so ¹é³âÀº»¡¶ó MC, I be snorkelin'

under your skin ªòªê
under your skin¿ÀÄí±¸¸®
under your skinÀ»µé¾î°¡

ÅêÅ׿ÀÅ°³ë ³ª°¡·¹µ¥Ä«Äí¸Þ-¿ÀÄÚ½º
¾Æ²¸µÐ È帧À¸·Î Çõ¸íÀ»ÀÏÀ¸Å°´Â

»çÄí¼¾¿Í ÇÏí¸Þí

ªïª«ªéªóªäªÄªé¡¡I let ya, do what you want...
¿ÍÄ«¶û¾ßÃ÷¶ó I let ya, do what you want...
¸ð¸£´Â³à¼®µéÀº I let ya, do what you want...

We gotta find our way

¸ðÁ¶¸®ÀØ°í ÀüºÎ

Goin' day by day

ÙᪿͪÑÀå㪢ªÕªìªÀª¹... Ah...
Àá¿¡¼­±ú¾î ³ÑÄ¡´Â±â¾ïµé... Ah

To all the ñ§ªÎ people where you at where you at (Planet Shining)
To all the ¹Ì±â³ë people where you at where you at (Planet Shining)
To all the ¿À¸¥ÂÊÀÇ people where you at where you at (Planet Shining)

To all the people on the éÓ where you at where you at (Planet Shining)
To all the people on the ¹Ì±â where you at where you at (Planet Shining)
To all the people on the ¿À¸¥ÂÊ where you at where you at (Planet Shining)

To all the ý­ªíªÎ people where you at where you at (Planet Shining)
To all the ¿ì½Ã·Î³ë people where you at where you at (Planet Shining)
To all the µÚÀÇ people where you at where you at (Planet Shining)

To all the people in the îñ where you at where you at (Planet Shining)
To all the people in the ¸¶¿¡ where you at where you at (Planet Shining)
To all the people in the ¾Õ where you at where you at (Planet Shining)

Planet Shining

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