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Title: Getting There
Artist: Crowned King

Sometimes I think philosophy
About the future and where I want to be
Down the road from now I've got my dreams
But they could all come crashing down
And I think that several years from now
I'll have decisions to make and I don't know how
I'm going to make them but I'll try
To make a difference before I die

We all have dreams
And in my heart
I hope my are granted
With a head start

If I had my way I'd travel the world
I'm be free without a care
I guess I'll see you when I get there

I see a man in shabby clothes
A cardboard box is his only home
I tend to wonder of his dreams
Where did they go wrong, now on his knees
He prays to a god that failed him
It's getting dark, the candle dim
And I leave him with no response
I hope I'll never be this lost

Getting There
Crowned King

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