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Title: It Sounds Prettier In Spanish
Artist: Name Taken

And they say Ą°lets go this wayĄ± you canĄŻt go home again unless you shed your skin. The words I meant to leave left out, reach in deeper. The words I meant to leave left out, darker, darker. DonĄŻt worry; I canĄŻt kill the memory (I wish I could). Paint it black, we are white. I cannot come clean, come clean. Run me away, IĄŻll spend my life and I wonĄŻt waste your time. The words I meant to leave left out, oh come on. The way you felt to just get out, donĄŻt release me. DonĄŻt worry; I canĄŻt kill the memory (I wish I could). Paint it black, we are white. I cannot come clean, come clean. Break down, IĄŻll fade away. A life worth living canĄŻt be saved.

It Sounds Prettier In Spanish
Name Taken

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