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Title: Failure
Artist: Sixpence None The Richer

The clock in the hall is louder now
I don¡¯t know what to do about it
As I hear it make its metronomic rounds
There¡¯s nothing I can do about it
With its constant tick, like the footsteps of someone approaching

I don¡¯t want to meet
She¡¯s a messenger with the message my journey is over
And I failed to make it

Time¡¯s not my friend anymore
My dreams at night are stranger now
And I don¡¯t know what to do about it
In every scene you¡¯re taken away from me
And there¡¯s nothing I can do about it

I am running from the footsteps of someone approaching
I don¡¯t want to meet
She¡¯s a messenger
With the message my journey is over
And I failed to make it
Time¡¯s not my friend anymore

Sixpence None The Richer

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