Son look at all the people in this restaurant
What d´you think they weigh?
And out the window to the parking lot
At their SUVs taking all of the space
They give no fuck
They talk as loud as they want
They give no fuck
Just as long as there´s enough for them
Gotta get on the microphone down at wallmart
Talk about some shit that´s been on my mind
Talk about the state of this great of this nation of ours
Poeple look to your left, yeah look to your right
They give no fuck
They buy as much as they want
They give no fuck
Just as long as there´s enough for them
Son look at the people lining up for plastic
Wouldn´t you like to see them in the national geographic?
Squatting bare-assed in the dirt eating rice from a bowl
With a towel on their head and maybe a bone in their nose
See that asshole with a peace-sign on his licence plate
Giving me the finger and running me out of his lane
God made us number one because he loves us the best
Well maybe He should go bless someone else for a while, give us a rest
They give no...
Yeah and everyone can see
They give no...
We´ve eaten all that we can eat
All U Can Eat
Ben Folds |