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Don't come around no more now baby
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Your love is just a memory now
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(Repeated) Girl you gotta tell him what to do cuz nothing that he's telling you is true
And all the common friends you have eschew him for the way that he has treated you
(Rap solo) It was you who went and did it You went and hit it And now she's packing her things
so better grit your teeth, you fool and it's true the only one to blame in this game is just you
So get her number our your phone you can't win you dug your own grave, dog and now it's time to jump in
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Don't come around no more now baby
ÀÌÁ¦´Â »ç¶ûÀ» ¹ÏÁö ¾Ê¾Æ »ç¶ûÇÏÁö ¾Ê¾Æ
(Repeated) Girl you gotta tell him what to do cuz nothing that he's telling you is true And all the common friends eschew him for the way that he has treated
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(Repeated) Girl you gotta tell him what to do cuz nothing that he's telling you is true And all the common friends eschew him for the way that he has treated you
Ä«¹Ð¶ó (Camilla) |