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and I finally get to
you are the one I've been looking for sometime
and I finally get to
I was the one you've been looking for sometime
looking at that seemed so far
will I ever get to you
°¡·ÁÁø ±â¾ïµé »ç¶óÁ® °£ ³Î
looking at that seemed so far
will I ever ask you why why
³ÊÀÇ ±â¾ï Áö¿ï ¼ö ÀÖÀ»±î
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and I finally get to
you are the one I've been looking for sometime
and I finally get to
I was the one you've been looking for sometime
looking at that seemed so far
will I ever get to you
°¡·ÁÁø ±â¾ïµé »ç¶óÁ® °£ ³Î
looking at that seemed so far
will I ever ask you why why
will I ever find
Ŭ·¡ÁöÄâÀÌ (Clazziquai) |