Entrances uncovered
Street signs you never saw
All entrances delivered
Courtesy winter
Entrances uncovered
All inquiries too
All entrances delivered
Courtesy winter
Entrances uncovered
Street signs you never saw
You got Manny in the library
Working off his hangover 3:30
You get the spleen at 3:15
But it's 3:13
The mad kid walked left-side south-side towards me
He was about 7
His mother was a cleaning lady
On this day in the road
She had a large black dog
And the mad kid said:
"Gimme the lead
Gimme the lead
Gimme the lead"
I'd just walked past the alcoholics' dry-out house
The lawn was littered with cans of Barbican
There was a feminist's Austin Maxi parked outside
With anti nuclear anti-nicotene signs on the side
Anyway two weeks before the mad kid had said
"I'll take both of you on,
I'll take both of you on"
He'd just got back from the backward kids' party
And had a black cardboard Archbishop's hat on
With a green-fuzz skull and crossbones
And two days before two weeks before
He had said
"I'll take both of you on"
But this day in the road
he looked like the victim of a pogrom
Entrances uncovered
Street signs you never saw
All entrances delivered
Courtesy winter
"Please take this medallion,
Please wear this medallion.
It's no sign of authority.
Wear the gold and put it on"
Courtesy winter
(Courtesy winter)
The mad kid had 3.75 lights, most of us have 2.5 lights
The sign of genius is three lights
Except for the mediocre they have 2 lights
There's one light left, which is the science law
Courtesy winter
On the first floor of the dryout hostel
"I just looked round
I just looked round
I just looked round
"And my youth it was sold"
[Some kinda verse one]
And so he went over the lawn
We see the mad kid
On the mad plaza
"I just looked round
"I just looked round
"And my youth it was sold"
He was by the dartboard drinking tea
Entrances uncovered
Street signs you never saw
All entrances delivered
Courtesy winter
Two white doves cross the sky
There fly krakens
And sometimes, that little.....
Makes me tremble
Courtesy winter
say, have one more for me
It was the first floor of the dryout room
Winter (Peel Session)
The Fall |