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Then you gotta stay the same
I know you're trying to sit on me
'cause I'm really good at this
to downtown I deserve to go
there's no reason not to go
for what I said so long ago
that's not a fault of yours
I wanna wanna be like this
Why always try to leave me alone
I keep my head up
and keep my mouth shut
why always need to wait for so long
I keep my way
do things my own way
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Then you gotta stay the same
I know you're trying to sit on me
'cause I'm really good at this
to downtown I deserve to go
there's no reason not to go
for what I said so long ago
that's not a fault of yours
I wanna wanna be like this
Why always try to leave me alone
I keep my head up and keep my mouth shut
why always need to wait for so long
I keep my way
do things my own way
Çõ¿À (hyukoh) |