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The result shows the nearest top 50.

Island Of Love  Artist:Big Mountain
Un Sensual Amor  Artist:Big Mountain
Caribbean Blue  Artist:Big Mountain
Upful & Right  Artist:Big Mountain
Only One  Artist:Big Mountain
Where Do The Children Play?  Artist:Big Mountain
Resistance  Artist:Big Mountain
Touch My Light  Artist:Big Mountain
I Would Find A Way  Artist:Big Mountain
Get Together  Artist:Big Mountain
Lean On Me  Artist:Big Mountain
Young Revolutionaries  Artist:Big Mountain
Fruitful Days  Artist:Big Mountain
Know Your Culture  Artist:Big Mountain
Love Is On The Way  Artist:Big Mountain
Border Town  Artist:Big Mountain
Soul Teacher  Artist:Big Mountain
Sweet Sensual Love  Artist:Big Mountain
One Small Chance  Artist:Big Mountain
Sweet And Deadly  Artist:Big Mountain
Revolution  Artist:Big Mountain
Baby, I Love Your Way  Artist:Big Mountain
baby I love your way  Artist:big mountain

Although there might be unnecessarry words or letters in a song's title,
It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

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