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Rule µûÀ© ´Ù ÀØ°í
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¿ì¸° ºÒÀ» Áú·¯
°Åħ¾øÀÌ Å¿ö
¼¼»óÀÌ ³î¶óµµ·Ï
We pull the Fire Alarm Go!
We pull the Fire Alarm Go!
We pull the Fire Alarm
Alright uh errthing done
°èȹµÈ Æ÷Áö¼Ç¿¡¼
¸ðµÎ ´ë±âÇØ ÀÖ¾î
Target on 3 2 1
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¸ðÀÚ¸¦ ´·¯¾²°í
We hop out the coupe
¸Á¼³ÀÌÁö ¾Ê¾Æ
¿ì¸° ÇÁ·Î Not a crew
¾Ë¾ÆëÀ» ¶§Âë¿£
³Í ÀÌ¹Ì Too late
¸ðµÎ º¡ Âð
Ç¥Á¤À¸·Î Touché
¿ì¸± º¸°í
Who dat dat dat?
We the cool gang gang
¾Æ¹«°Íµµ ¾Æ´Ñ µí
³× ¸¾À» »¯³×
Catch me if u can
¾ðÁ¦µçÁö babe
°Å¸® À§ ¸ùŸÁÖ
Somewhere in downtown
Do anything you want
if you really wanna
º¸¶õ µíÀÌ
³ª´Â ³Ê¸¦ °Ü´²
¹ÌÃÄ ³¯¶Û ÀÌ ¹ã
Rule µûÀ© ´Ù ÀØ°í
³Ê¸¦ ½À°ÝÇÏ·¯ °¡
¾î¼ ¼Õ ¸Ó¸® À§·Î
¿ì¸° ºÒÀ» Áú·¯
°Åħ¾øÀÌ Å¿ö
¼¼»óÀÌ ³î¶óµµ·Ï
We pull the Fire Alarm Go!
We pull the Fire Alarm Go!
We pull the Fire Alarm
Turn up the music
°æ°íÇØ µÎÁö
You will lose it
¹°·¯¼ ¼ÅÅÍ ³»¸®°í
¹ÝÇ× µûÀ© Let it go
Burn it down
to the ground
that alarm is gonna
blow blow blow blow blow
³Î Ÿ¿À¸£°Ô ÇÑ
¿ì¸° ¹®Á¦¾Æ
ºÒÅÂ¿ï ¿À´Ã ¹ã
¹¹µç Make it right
¿ì¸®°¡ Áö³ª°£ ÀÚ¸®¿£
¾ðÁ¦³ª Fire Alarm
Àý´ë·Î ¸ø Àâ¾Æ
We already gone
wit tire marks ha?
¹ÌÃÄ ³¯¶Û ÀÌ ¹ã
Rule µûÀ© ´Ù ÀØ°í
³Ê¸¦ ½À°ÝÇÏ·¯ °¡
¾î¼ ¼Õ ¸Ó¸® À§·Î
¿ì¸° ºÒÀ» Áú·¯
°Åħ¾øÀÌ Å¿ö
¼¼»óÀÌ ³î¶óµµ·Ï
We pull the Fire Alarm Go!
We pull the Fire Alarm Go!
We pull the Fire Alarm
Fire Alarm
Fire Alarm
¿Â µµ½Ã¿¡ »¡°£ ºÒÀÌ ¹øÁ®
³¡À» º¼ ¶§±îÁö ¸ø ¸ØÃç
¹Ù·Î ´ÙÀ½ Target ¼³Á¤
We on it wassup
¸¾²¯ ¼Ò¸® Áú·¯
³²±è¾øÀÌ Å¿ö
¼¼»óÀÌ ³î¶óµµ·Ï
We pull the Fire Alarm Go!
(Fire Alarm)
We pull the Fire Alarm Go!
(Fire Alarm)
We pull the Fire Alarm
Get back get back get back
(We pull the Fire Alarm Go!)
Get down get down get down
(We pull the Fire Alarm Go!)
Get low get low get low
(We pull the Fire Alarm Go!)
Get down get down get down
(We pull the Fire Alarm)
Fire Alarm