Everyday we get better
to be good aenergy
Everyday getting harder
be the one synergy
¸Ö¸® ³¯¾Æ°¡ Åå ½÷!
¸Å¼·Áö? µû²ûÇÏÁö?
Queen bee ³ Æ÷½ÄÀÚ
ºÁºÁ! I¡¯ll shock ¡®em Uh!
Who you think about?
Too hot!
Who you think about?
Who you think about?
ºÒ·¯ aespa!
Everyday we get better
to be good aenergy
Everyday getting harder
be the one synergy
¹Ì³¢¸¦ ¹°¾îºÁ ´þ¼®
³Í KOSMOzenÀÌ µÆ¾î
naevis ±×³à°¡
¿ì¸± ¿©±â º¸³»Áá¾î
Ä«¸®³ª Rocket Puncher
À©ÅÍ Armamenter
ÁöÁ© got Xenoglossy
´×´× E.d Hacker
³Í ¾Ë°Ô µÉ¼ö·Ï
´õ ºüÁ®µé °Å¾ß Anyway
We gonna all make it happen
Villains all go down ³»°¡
°ÅÄ¥°í »ç³ª¿öÁ³´Ù°í Çصµ
My ae¸¦ Áöų°Å¾ß Yeah
Everyday we get better
to be good aenergy
Everyday getting harder
be the one synergy
(Everyday we get better,
Better every night
Yeah Yeah Yeah)
À©ÅÍ! Your hands in the air!
ÁöÁ©! Your hands in the air!
My aeµé! Hands up in the air!
We are the aespa!
Ä«¸®³ª! Your hands in the air!
´×´×! Your hands in the air!
My aeµé! Hands up in the air!
We are the aespa!
Everyday we get better
to be good aenergy
Everyday getting harder
be the one synergy
aespa |