³ª´Â ¿øÇØ ³ÊÀÇ true self
»ö´Ù¸¥ °É ³»°Ô ÁÙ·¡
½Ã°£Àº ÃæºÐÇØ °¨ÃçµÐ ³Î ²¨³»
³Ê´Â ¸Á¼³¿´Áö always
³»°¡ ¸ÕÀú º¸³½ message
You gotta lead your way
And you will be ok
ÀÌÁ¨ ±â´Ù·Á ½Ã°£ÀÇ ³¡À»
Àͼ÷ÇØÁø ¹ãÀº colors of blue
°¡¸®¿öÁø ³Ê¸¦ ±×·Á beautiful
¾îµÒº¸´Ù ºû³ª ³Í it is true
¹øÁ®¹ö¸° ÇÏ´Ã ready to move
´øÁ®¹ö·Á ¸Ö¸® µÚ¼¯ÀÎ Ãã±îÁö
Show me your love
Chica chica si
You¡¯ve got it all
Chica chica si
You¡¯re beautiful
Let it all out
Let your feelings out
Let the world know
What your all about
Chica chica si
You¡¯ve got it all
Chica chica si
You¡¯re living it like you wanna
Woman now
Woman now
Woman now
Woman now
Woman now
Woman go wilder
Woman now
Woman now
Woman now
Woman go wilder
³»°Ô ´Ù°¡¿ÍÁà closer
°è¼Ó ¿¬ÁÖÇØÁà play up
ÀÌ ¼ø°£ ¿µ¿øÇØ
Fantastic ¸ðµç °Ô
³Í ³»°Ô ±â´ëÇß´ø ¸»µé
ãÁö ¸øÇÑ Ç¥Á¤ too bad
You might get overwhelmed
And you will learn from them
ÀÌÁ¨ ±â´Ù·Á ½Ã°£ÀÇ ³¡À»
Àͼ÷ÇØÁø ¹ãÀº colors of blue
°¡¸®¿öÁø ³Ê¸¦ ±×·Á beautiful
¾îµÒº¸´Ù ºû³ª ³Í it is true
¹øÁ®¹ö¸° ÇÏ´Ã ready to move
´øÁ®¹ö·Á ¸Ö¸® µÚ¼¯ÀÎ Ãã±îÁö
Show me your love
Chica chica si
You¡¯ve got it all
Chica chica si
You¡¯re beautiful
Let it all out
Let your feelings out
Let the world know
What your all about
Chica chica si
You¡¯ve got it all
Chica chica si
You¡¯re living it like you wanna
It doesn¡¯t matter
How many times you fall
As long as you try
Woman now woman now
woman now woooh
It doesn¡¯t matter
How many times you fall
As long as you try
Woman now woman
Show me your love
Chica chica si
You¡¯ve got it all
Chica chica si
You¡¯re beautiful
Let it all out
Let your feelings out
Let the world know
What your all about
Chica chica si
You¡¯ve got it all
Chica chica si
You¡¯re living it like you wanna
Woman now
Woman now
Woman now
Woman now
Woman now
Woman go wilder
Woman now
Woman now
Woman now
Woman go wilder
ûÇÏ |