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The result shows the nearest top 50.

This Night Has Opened My Eyes  Artist:At the Drive-In
Take Up Thy Stethoscope And Walk  Artist:At the Drive-In
Speechless  Artist:At the Drive-In
Rolodex Propoganda  Artist:At the Drive-In
Red Planet  Artist:At the Drive-In
Proxima Centauri  Artist:At the Drive-In
Plastic Memories  Artist:At the Drive-In
Ludvico Drive-In  Artist:At the Drive-In
Intermission  Artist:At the Drive-In
Instigate The Role  Artist:At the Drive-In
Incetardis  Artist:At the Drive-In
Grand Mox Turkin  Artist:At the Drive-In
For Now... We Toast  Artist:At the Drive-In
Extracurricular  Artist:At the Drive-In
Emptiness Is A Mule  Artist:At the Drive-In
Doorman's Placebo  Artist:At the Drive-In
Circuit Scene  Artist:At the Drive-In
Catacombs  Artist:At the Drive-In
Bradley Smith  Artist:At the Drive-In
Autorelocator  Artist:At the Drive-In
300mhz  Artist:At the Drive-In
Napoleon Solo  Artist:At the Drive-In
Non-Zero Possiblility  Artist:At The Drive-In
Arcarsenal  Artist:At The Drive-In
Winter Month Novelty  Artist:At The Drive-In
Ursa Minor  Artist:At The Drive-In
Transatlantic Foe  Artist:At The Drive-In
Ticklish  Artist:At The Drive-In
Star Slight  Artist:At The Drive-In
Speehless  Artist:At The Drive-In
Sleepwalk Capsules  Artist:At The Drive-In
Skips On The Record  Artist:At The Drive-In
Shaking Hand Incision  Artist:At The Drive-In
Schaffino  Artist:At The Drive-In
Rolodex Propaganda  Artist:At The Drive-In
Rascuache  Artist:At The Drive-In
Quarantined  Artist:At The Drive-In
Porfirio Diaz  Artist:At The Drive-In
Picket Fence Cartel  Artist:At The Drive-In
Pick Pocket  Artist:At The Drive-In
Pattern Against User  Artist:At The Drive-In
Paid Vacation Time  Artist:At The Drive-In
One Armed Scissor  Artist:At The Drive-In
Non-Zero Possibility  Artist:At The Drive-In
Napolean Solo  Artist:At The Drive-In
Metronome Arthritis  Artist:At The Drive-In
Mannequin Republic  Artist:At The Drive-In
Lopsided  Artist:At The Drive-In
Invalid Litter Dept.  Artist:At The Drive-In
Initiation  Artist:At The Drive-In

Although there might be unnecessarry words or letters in a song's title,
It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

Top 100 Lyrics  Top Songs By Year
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