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The result shows the nearest top 50.

You Kill Me  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
What We Believe In  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Weak Warm  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Very Best Friend  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Versatility  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Ventricle  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Vampire  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
U.S. Royalty  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Unfaithful  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Two Hand Touch  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
This One's for Randy  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
This Is Not The Time Or Place  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
The Power Of The Vitamins  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
The Pharmacist  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
The Night They Blew Up The Moon  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
The Best You Ever Knew  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Tell The Truth  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Supersad  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Stateside  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Spit You Out  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Smithsonian Liver  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Slacker  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Save You  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Safely  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Sadie Hawkins  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Riding A Low  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Richardsimmons  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Remover  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Radio Song  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Radiation Suit  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Power of Vitamins  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Now Or Never  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Moonlight - Sunlight  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Misled  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Medicated Lungs  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Low  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Let's Go Home  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Knees  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Inhabit  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Holding On To Nothing  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
High Tech Lip Gloss  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Hi-Tech Lip Gloss  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Good Intentions  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Gin And Juice  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Get What You Get  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Forgive Me  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Flight 89 (North American)  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Fear The Sound  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Failure  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit
Crossbow  Artist:Hot Rod Circuit

Although there might be unnecessarry words or letters in a song's title,
It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

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