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Zanzibar 1: The Dry Mouth Horse That Died At The Watering Hole  Artist:Look What I Did
Unwrite The Old Songs  Artist:Look What I Did
Ultimate Complete Home Fitness Machine  Artist:Look What I Did
The Soiree  Artist:Look What I Did
The FOX Eats TV Ishmael  Artist:Look What I Did
Shadowboxing (To Stay Fit)  Artist:Look What I Did
Raining Pleasantries  Artist:Look What I Did
My Biggest Fan  Artist:Look What I Did
Mirror, Mirror  Artist:Look What I Did
Minuteman For The Moment  Artist:Look What I Did
Lipstick Liasons  Artist:Look What I Did
Lightning Bugs  Artist:Look What I Did
Last Call For Rufenol  Artist:Look What I Did
Is, Was, And Will Be  Artist:Look What I Did
I Beat God At Tae Kwon Do  Artist:Look What I Did
House Of Cards  Artist:Look What I Did
Feast Of Breath And Teeth  Artist:Look What I Did
Cupid Full Of Eros  Artist:Look What I Did
Appomattox Whorehouse  Artist:Look What I Did

Although there might be unnecessarry words or letters in a song's title,
It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

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