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The result shows the nearest top 50.

The Prisoner  Artist:Rick Wakeman
The Lost Cycle  Artist:Rick Wakeman
The Last Battle  Artist:Rick Wakeman
The Journey  Artist:Rick Wakeman
The Forest  Artist:Rick Wakeman
The Battle  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Sir Lancelot And The Black Knight  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Sir Galahad  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Recollection  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Narration 8  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Narration 7  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Narration 6  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Narration 5  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Narration 4  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Narration 3  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Narration 2  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Narration 1  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Music Reincatnate. Part V - The Reaper  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Music Reincatnate. Part IV - The Realisation  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Music Reincatnate. Part III - The Spaceman  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Music Reincatnate. Part II - The Maker  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Music Reincatnate. Part I - The Warning  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Merlin The Magician  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Lady Of The Lake  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Guinevere  Artist:Rick Wakeman
Arthur  Artist:Rick Wakeman

Although there might be unnecessarry words or letters in a song's title,
It still finds exact lyrics.

Imagine - John Lennon(Live).mp3

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